Viktor Kuljak, AVC Partner in Moldova

«It's a jump into the deep end. We were not prepared to welcome so many people!»
«It's a jump into the deep end. We were not prepared to welcome so many people!»

Our commitment – your help

War in Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine is one of the greatest humanitarian crises in recent European history. Since February 24, 2022, Ukraine is at war. To reach safety, residents are leaving their homes in droves. They mostly come on foot across the borders to neighboring countries. They are mainly women and children, as well as men over the age of 60. Able-bodied men from 19 to 60 are being drafted into the army in Ukraine. The neighboring countries, some of which are very poor, are facing a massive influx of refugees.

With all available means we support our partners in Ukraine and the affected neighboring countries with the hardly manageable challenges. We are experiencing great solidarity and generosity among the Swiss population. Many thanks for the valuable support with donations in kind and money and volunteer work!

We are moved by your solidarity. Never before have we been so overrun with offers of help, donations in kind and money. Thank you for your heart for Ukrainian refugees. Together we make the difference.
Our help on the ground

We coordinate our relief projects with our AVC partner organizations in Germany, Austria, Italy Czech Republic and with other relief organizations.

Relief goods delivery

Starting with the first 14 relief shipments already in the first week of the war, we have been able to send countless trucks and buses with relief supplies to various regions of Ukraine, border regions in Romania and refugee centers in Moldova to date.

AVC Switzerland is committed to helping Ukrainian refugees seeking safety and protection in neighboring Moldova. Our local team stood day and night in sub-zero temperatures at the border with buses waiting for refugees from Ukraine. They took in hundreds of women with infants, children and teenagers. Within a very short time, they had everything ready to receive them in Sarata Galbena: beds, showers, relief supplies and meals. The hospitable Moldovans give everything, even though they don't have much themselves.

After emergency evacuations and transports of relief supplies at the beginning of the war, our aid has changed somewhat in the meantime. Currently, we are mainly active in the Odessa region. Together with a team of a local church, we meet the material and also spiritual need. AVC sends tons of supplies to the war zone, among others via our Moldavian partner. Pastor Andrej and his team drive through the devastated war landscape, distributing thousands of food packages, dozens of generators, and the Good News at every opportunity. In the midst of the rubble, revival is taking place: Thousands of people have already come to faith in Jesus.


Our team in Moldova prepared everything for the reception in Sarata Galbena within a very short time: beds, showers, relief supplies and meals. The hospitable Moldovans give everything, even though they don't have much themselves.


Our team in Moldova prepared everything for the reception in Sarata Galbena within a very short time: beds, showers, relief supplies and meals. The hospitable Moldovans give everything, even though they don't have much themselves.

How you can help

Important to mention: People in need benefit regardless of their gender, political affiliation, religion, origin or social position.

Monetary donations
We are very happy to continue accepting monetary donations to buy and provide what is most urgently needed: Food, hygiene items, comforters, mattresses, emergency shelter - whenever possible directly in the affected countries. We also organize the corresponding transports, which are connected with costs too. Therefore we are glad about every financial donation. Please select the payment purpose "Refugees Ukraine".

Donations in kind
We are overwhelmed by your generosity! The need for clothes among the Ukrainian refugees is covered at the moment. Therefore, we are directing the clothing donations received from now on to our other projects. What we continue to accept and all the information about it can be found on our donations in kind page. Thank you very much!

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