Companies support ACP
Doing business successfully and earning good money is a good thing - so is being socially involved as a company. ACP offers companies with social responsibility a platform with various opportunities to get involved in innovative and sustainable development or aid projects. Be it through individual corporate volunteering activities such as a company event at ACP, through donations in kind, through financial support or with a project partnership.
Corporate volunteering / company events
With so-called corporate volunteering, we all win: you learn something new outside your own company, have great experiences as a group and do something good together. We are grateful for the practical support and look forward to getting to know you. The time invested is guaranteed to pay off!

Support with donation of goods
With ACP, around 1,000 tons of donations of goods find a new purpose every year. Goods that do not (or no longer) meet the high requirements in Switzerland and are often discarded by the pallet are given a new chance with us. Do you also have goods that you can pass on?
Would a corporate event with ACP be something for you and your company? Do you have material that you would like to donate for a good cause? Do not hesitate to contact us and ask your questions.
Collaboration on projects that have great impact
ACP projects save lives, alleviate suffering and create new perspectives. In close cooperation with local partners in the project countries, rapid, targeted and efficient aid is provided. For targeted projects in the areas of shelter, education, health, water and nutrition, we seek concrete cooperation with companies. Transparency and trustworthiness characterize the partnership.