
Moldova is also called the »poorhouse of Europe«. The monthly income per capita is only CHF 200, about 20 times less than in Switzerland. The population has been declining for years - no wonder, since the country hardly offers any chances for a dignified existence to its inhabitants. Those who are able, leave their homeland behind. Children, elderly persons and the underprivileged are left behind.
Orphanage: A home for children in Voszneseni
Orphanage: A home for children in Voszneseni
Edinet: A school for Roma children
Edinet: A school for Roma children
Sarepta Center: Home for the elderly and disabled more
Sarepta Center: Home for the elderly and disabled more
Move a Family - a new life begins: Purchase and renovation of houses near the city for impoverished families
Move a Family - a new life begins: Purchase and renovation of houses near the city for impoverished families
A bakery to provide food for impoverished families
A bakery to provide food for impoverished families
Children's Camp Sarepta: Evangelistic children's camps on a separate camp area more
Children's Camp Sarepta: Evangelistic children's camps on a separate camp area more
Children's center Mereseni: new construction project of a multifunctional home for children from impoverished families
Children's center Mereseni: new construction project of a multifunctional home for children from impoverished families
Day care centers in six cities to provide support and preventive care to neglected children more
Day care centers in six cities to provide support and preventive care to neglected children more
Capital: Chisinau
Area: 34 000 km2
Population: 3,5 Mio.
Life expectancy: 72 years
Children mortality: 12 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 99 %
Religions: 90 % Orthodox Christians, 3 % other Christians
Human Freedom Index: 61 / 165

Children's camp in Moldova - a review

Until the end of the Soviet regime, Christians were also persecuted in Moldova. On illegal Bible smuggling trips behind the Iron Curtain, the director of AVC Switzerland made first contacts. 30 years later we can be part of a strongly growing work in Moldova. In total, more than 34,000 children have participated in our children's camps in Moldova, and more than 10,000 of them have given their lives to Jesus.

(Video in German)

Children's camp in Moldova - a review

Until the end of the Soviet regime, Christians were also persecuted in Moldova. On illegal Bible smuggling trips behind the Iron Curtain, the director of AVC Switzerland made first contacts. 30 years later we can be part of a strongly growing work in Moldova. In total, more than 34,000 children have participated in our children's camps in Moldova, and more than 10,000 of them have given their lives to Jesus.

(Video in German)
Most of our home residents have a long, hardly imaginable path of suffering behind them. With us, they can spend their last years in dignity and without worrying about their daily bread.
Neglected children receive social care, food, clothing and, if necessary, medical assistance. Depending on their situation, the focus is on gardening and small animal husbandry as well as food processing, or on school education, homework assistance and tutoring. Drug prevention is always an issue.
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