More than just a drop in the ocean: ACP makes sustainable investments in people's lives.
More than just a drop in the ocean: ACP makes sustainable investments in people's lives.

ACP in numbers

A brief overview

In each of our areas of work, ACP invests in people. Each number represents a step toward our goal of making a lasting and holistic difference in people's lives.

Key figures 2023

countries in which we are active in close cooperation with local employees, churches and organizations. The engagement together with the international ACP family covers 70 countries.
local pastors and evangelists are supported by ACP. They complement humanitarian aid by taking the Good News of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
12 800
local christians* are educated and trained by compatriots in 27 different countries.
* This means the whole range of people who work with us or our partners.
schools, dormitories, kindergartens and day schools enable more than 5000 children to receive an education that is far above average for local conditions.
207 900
bibles, NTs and digital data carriers distributed, primarily in countries with great restrictions and high persecution of Christians.
20 941
Christmas packages have been collected and distributed to the poorest people in countries in Eastern Europe.
* Including local parcels
tons of relief supplies such as clothes, shoes, tools, food, furnishings and leftover items worth around CHF 7.8 million transported and distributed to those in need.
of all donations benefit the projects thanks to lean administration and the commitment of the numerous volunteers.
individuals were deployed abroad in groups or individually in Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, India, Kosovo, Lebanon, Moldova, Rwanda, Romania and Thailand between 4 and 90 days.
11 800
hours of work were performed by 530 volunteers (individuals, couples, families and groups) from young to old in a wide variety of work areas in Switzerland.
employees in Switzerland share a total of 1790 job percentages as of January 1, 2024.

For a comprehensive report on our global involvement, we recommend reading our 2023 Highlights (in German).
Download annual report (in German)

For a detailed account of our annual financial statements 2023, please consult our Financial Report (in German).
Download financial report (in German)

Thanks to lean administration, we can keep the internal share of each donation franc low. With a total of 9% in 2023, we are below the percentages that are common in similar organizations.
Once again this year, thousands of people have decided to entrust ACP Switzerland with their donation. This trust honors and obliges us! The decline in donations in 2023 can be explained by the extraordinarily high level of donations in 2022 due to the start of the war in Ukraine.
We received donations in kind with an estimated value of CHF 7'757’000 in 2023. We cannot book the equivalent value of these relief goods as donations. If this were possible, our fundraising and administration expenses in 2023 would even be a super-slim 5.1 %.
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